

Welcome to meditation3.com

The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

Working Hours

Monday – Saturday 10.00AM – 6.00PM

Mon - Sat 10.00AM - 6.00PM



Prayer Request

Prayer Requests
Grupo de Meditacion

Prayer requests are always welcomed. Please email the name of the person in need and briefly state the circumstances or leave a message in the comment box. I will add your prayer request to my daily prayers.

Prayer is specially powerful when the person in need is open to receiving healing prayer. The prayer of a parent over their child, and those that we love, are specially powerful as well.

The power of prayer over all of us is very important. Prayer is that link that connects us to our higher power, solidifies our hope and gives us peace. No matter how you pray, it is that connection that makes the difference. Open your heart and feel the presence of God, that is prayer.

With Blessings and Love,


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