Amethystine Healing Chakra Energy Healing in Miami
As a Amethystine Healing Master, I speak to many people about the importance of learning how to purify, elevate and protect our energy.
Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly exposed to the energy of the places where we work and interact with others. Not only do other people carry their own energetic charge, but places can also store and hold the energy of charged emotions or the energy of traumatic events.
During a Amethystine Healing healing, we unblock, purify and elevate the chakras and all energy centers. We then replenish the energy with Amethystine Healing and other energy techniques. I use crystals and other metaphysical techniques to balance and raise the energy. As a medium, my Spirit Guides direct me to the energy centers that need the most work. For more information contact me.