Meditation for beginners
If you are starting to meditate you are probably running into distractions and interrupting thoughts. This is usually the case for many people.
Distractions and wondering thoughts will minimize or completely disappear
with practice and once your meditation routine is established. To establish a good meditation routine it is important to sit for meditation at least 3-5 times per week. Sit on the same chair and follow the same routine which can be lowering the lights, lighting a candle, or placing your crystals or other meditation tools. Always make sure that you set a time aside when you are less likely to be interrupted, silence your phone, and make the intention to detach from those things that pull your attention, just for the 15-30 minutes that you set aside for your meditation.
Once you are set up close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe in for a count of 8, out for 8, slowly and deeply. If you have wondering thoughts cross your mind don’t fight them, just see them in your mind gently floating away and disappearing and go right back to paying attention to the number count as you breathe.
Before you close your meditation again breathe in deeply and slowly, in for 8, out for 8.Next you can add a mantra or a phrase that you feel connects you with your spirituality, this can be God is Love, God is Peace, or you can mentally repeat a mantra such as Om Nama Shivaya, slowly and with the intention of letting go of any stress or anxiety and joining into the presence of your HIgher Power.