Meditation and Our Spirit Guides
We all have Spirit Guides that work with us protecting our energy, blessing us, and inspiring us to get closer to our Higher Power. When we consciously invite our Spiritual Guidance into our lives we intensify our link, allowing them to intercede in a more active way in our daily lives.
The first step in getting to know our Spirit Guides is to establish our spiritual protection. The Tube of Light is an important tool as we work to seal and protect our energy. The use of the Violet Flame and Blue Flame are also indispensable tools to purify and seal our energy.
Without the daily use of the Tube of Light, Violet Flame and Blue Flame our energy is open and exposed to all kinds of energetic influences, some of these could be from lower vibration, such as wondering spirits and negative thought forms. Purifying and sealing our energy prevents negative interference and improves our communication with Higher Level beings such as those assigned to be our Spirit Guides. It is also important to declare our intention to be influenced only by beings of light.