How to clear our energy
Many factors besides our own emotions and reactions towards people or evens in our environment can influence our energy. Many times we can be holding on to negativity that has come to us from another’s negative thoughts such as envy, anger, resentment, jealousy, or criticism. Other times if our energy is not vibrating high enough we can attract to ourselves vibrational energy that matches our mood in the form of spirit attachments, or thought forms. Even events and situations that we visit during the dream time can leave a negative residue in our energy.
When our energy is charged with negativity we can feel drained, tired or moody. We may even have physical symptoms or mental fatigue.
It is important to establish a daily purification routine to clear up our energy. Once our energy is clear we can concentrate in other aspects of our spirituality such as raising our consciousness and living truthfully and with love.
One of the first steps I take in my day is to clear my energy with white sage. Burning sage is a very effective way to clear our energy. Flower water is also a very nice way to clear and purify our energy. Besides sage and flower water, Amethystine Healing and Energy Healing are also wonderful ways to purify negative energy.