Email readings
You can request an email reading if you are faced with making an important decision or if you are interested in receiving information regarding one topic such as:
- Who are my Spirit Guides
- What is the meditation technique that will work best for me
- What past lives are important for me to know right now
- What is the meaning or significance of repetitive dream I am having
To request an email reading send me an email with the topic, 1-3 questions about the same topic, your complete name and the complete name of anyone that you are asking about. If your questions are about another person please email a picture as well.
Not all types of questions can be answered in an email reading. For example, questions that require a detailed reading of the Akashic Records, some questions about romantic links with others, and other types of questions, cannot be answered this way and require a Channeling appointment. If an email reading will not be possible I will let you know right away. Please wait for my confirmation email before proceeding with your payment.
In most cases email readings are answered in 1-2 days. The cost of an email reading is $50, to pay for your email reading send the payment through paypal, account marina@meditation3.com
Blessings and Light,