Daily meditation
Daily Meditation
Meditation is an important part of a daily spiritual routine.
The practice of meditation is not only to calm the mind or relieve stress as it is frequently seen. Meditation is our opportunity to put aside the logical mind, and open up to the highest, deepest aspects of our being.
As we practice daily meditation we can reach a level of comfort and safety that cannot be reached with anything outside ourselves. In this higher state of consciousness we can find the answers to many of our questions and peace in the midst of the things that trouble us.
I practice a form of meditation called consciousness meditation. In this meditation I incorporate a variety of methods that include energy purification and energy building. This is an active meditation that allows you to focus on the work being done while going deeper into a meditative state.
I currently teach meditation classes on an individual basis, with up to two students per class. The meditation program is individually tailored to the energy of each student.
My office is located in Doral, Miami, Florida. My office hours are Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm, only by appointment. For more information about meditation classes please contact me.